NSK Major Products Key Visuals

We developed the creative for 11 major products of NSK, the world leader in dental handpieces. Their products are trusted by many for their high level of performance and safety backed by ultra-precision technology and beautiful ergonomic design. The visual theme was "SUPER DETALE" to create an image of simple and sturdy befitting NSK, which deserves the world's top market share. Focusing on the beautiful form and texture of the product itself, we aimed to create bold and innovative visuals. The 11 consistency visuals express that the sincere spirit of craftsmanship of a brand with a history of over 90 years is firmly inherited in each product.

Creative Director : Masashi Koori
Copywriter(En): Shaun Sundholm
Copywriter(Ja) : Masashi Koori
Art Director : Hidekazu Tanaka
Designer : Hidekazu Tanaka
3DCG : amana Hydroid
Client : NSK